Your Stories
Submit your stories, photos, favorite places to visit, things to do, places to eat, or any other information (like trivia with the verifiably correct answer) to John Pitcock (  He will try and include as much as possible.
I don't have interesting pictures available like others do (which I have really enjoyed).  But, I thought that I would send a fairly recent one of me so that my beloved classmates wouldn't have to wonder, "Who is this guy?"  If one looks really, really close, one can see faint traces of the VHS Joe!

This picture was taken in Singapore when I was there to perform my oldest son's wedding.  Ben married a wonderful Singaporean; I was privileged to perform the ceremony which took place aboard an ancient boat!
Then and Now
Venice High School was really a hoot
But 40 years later we wheeze and toot
We used think we would always be young
But now our assets are slightly hung
The Rogues would play and how we would dance
but now if we move - we wet our pants
We hope the reunion goes just swell
Though our bodies will count it as living hell
But we still will enjoy the whole affair
That is if we can remember how to find our way there!!!!
Dr, Roy Bernius

A Story from Donna Story-Smith:

The BIG Drag Race!  Were you there.  Do you have a story to tell about this?  Do you want to hear one side of this story from the newspaper?  If so, go to the Photo Albums and look at the Lots of Different Pictures to view the clipping.

Thanks Donna for more memories.....

1963-1964 Jayvee Basketball Team
1963-1964 Jayvee Basketball Team
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From Marc Powers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Here's where the 1966 White Sands Conference Champions really started....
